La Grande Ruota Stone ground Polenta

Love this old world style stone ground polenta I found at The Hampstead Butcher on Roslyn Hill NW3. Full of the husk and germ of the corn it has great texture and flavour due to the traditional stone grinding. Rain some into a pot of simmering salted water using about four times the amount of water to polenta. Stir until the polenta is thickened and spiting like molten lava. Turn the heat down and simmer for around 40minutes, regulary stirring. You may need to add water to keep a nice fluid texture. Finish with a liberal splash of extra virgin olive oil, some grated parmesan cheese and a knob of butter. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve with meat, fish, chicken and vegetables. I love to serve it with grilled mushrooms, asparagus and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. Enjoy! the link