Crème Brulee with vanilla poached strawberries

Over my years in the kitchen this dessert is possibly in the top five most requested desserts. Everyone just seems to love it, given its potential for being a little naff and dated on a menu clients still request it. So heres my go to recipe for creme brulee with a nice little side of strawberries poached with vanilla. Easy as this dessert is prepare, just be patient once baking in the oven. The dessert will seem soft when hot but will firm up in the fridge. Make it the day before and allow it to cool over night. Lastly just be careful when burning the sugar, its really hot. Good safe gas torches can be brought from kitchen shops.
12 egg yolks from large eggs
220g caster sugar
1000ml of thickened cream (bulla if possible)
300ml of full cream milk
2 vanilla beans scraped out
Combine milk and cream with vanilla and slowly bring to a simmer. Allow to stand for a least 20 minutes to allow the vanilla to infuse.
Separately whisk together the egg yolks and the sugar until pale.
Pour on the hot cream/milk/vanilla and whisk until combined.
Strain though a fine strainer to remove lumps and vanilla pods.
Pours in to ramekins and place in a water bath.
Bake in a slow oven that has been heated to 140 degrees celsius for around 1 ½ hours.
Different ovens will give differing timings.
When the custard is just firm remove and refrigerate overnight.
Sprinkle over a fine layer of caster sugar and cook with a blow torch until golden. Be careful as the sugar becomes very hot.
Serve with vanilla poached strawberries. Recipe to follow.
Caramelising the Brulee
Vanilla Poached Strawberries
500g water
500g caster sugar
1 large punnet strawberries
1 vanilla Bean, scraped out
Wash and remove the strawberry stalks. Cut in half and place in a heat proof bowl with vanilla.
Combine the water and the sugar and stir over a medium heat until sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil and pour ver the strawberries. Cool